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Aplikasi Beauty Parlor Management

Dilihat 386 kali

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Moleps Indonesia Chat Penjual.
Seller status : Verified

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Categories : PHP

Tags : aplikasi

Program features of salon management system

  • Dashboard: In this part, the administrator can view all information in brief, including the total number of clients, appointments, appointments that were accepted or rejected, total services, sales for the previous seven days, today’s sales, yesterday’s sales, and overall sales.
  • Services: The administrator can control the salon’s services in this section (add and update).
  • Pages: The administrator can control the contact us and about us pages in this section.
  • Appointment: In this section, the administrator can check the specifics of appointments and has the option to accept or decline a request.
  • Inquiry: The administrator can view the inquiries that users submit in this part.
  • Client List: In this part, the administrator can check the list of customers, allocate services, and create invoices for the services that the customer has purchased.
  • Reports: The administrator can view user information and sales for certain time periods in this section.
  • Invoice: An administrator can view a list of all invoices in this section.
  • Search Appointment: Using the appointment number and contact number entered here, the admin can search for appointments.
  • Invoice search: Using his or her invoice number, admin can look up invoices in this part.

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